Last year at the Solstice Flute School we had an idea! A special feature on site -- an ancient geothermal crater -- would make the perfect echo chamber to experience the song of the Native American Flute.
With a little help from our friends we created a video to share with you (see the credits at the end of the video)! We are excited to present our improvisation -- the voice of the flute surrounded by weathered rock, grounded in percussion, and washed in the sound of water! The Crater is a geothermal spring, hidden within a 55-foot tall, beehive-shaped limestone rock. Over 10,000 years in the making, The Crater formed when melting snow on the Wasatch Mountains seeped deep within the earth. Two miles below the surface, the earth’s interior heated the water. As it percolated upward, it picked up minerals, which were then deposited on the surface — eventually forming the volcano-shaped limestone deposit. The hole at the top of the dome lets in sunlight and fresh air while the interior stays heated by the mineral water at a constant range of 90 – 96 degrees Fahrenheit. Recorded during the 2018 Solstice Flute School from within the Geothermal Crater at the Homestead Resort in Midway, Utah. Our gratitude to the artists, videographers, and Kalani Das for producing this video!
There is nothing like the soundtrack of the holidays! It's a season of wonder and mystery. It is a time of gratitude and celebrating those we love. For many, it can be a time of loss and loneliness.
Rona Yellow Robe, and Shelley Morningsong and Fabian Fontenelle share their holiday blessings with you! We hope you enjoy their video messages. To view these and other Solstice Flute School & Festival videos, visit our YouTube Channel. A first at the Solstice Flute School - a percussion track for Native American style fluting! The combination of flute and percussion is magic! We are very pleased to welcome Guest Artist Will Clipman to our esteemed Solstice Flute School Staff of Artist Instructors in 2019. Will is a seven-time Grammy® Nominee and Canyons Records percussionist with R. Carlos Nakai. Will has planned a 3-part percussion track for Native American style flutists. “Skin on Skin and Beat to the Tweet” classes will take place as part of the Solstice Flute School, June 17-20, 2019 in Midway, Utah. The third workshop, “Why we Play and What We Say” will be held at the Solstice Flute Festival on Saturday, June 22nd. Register in advance as space is limited! Join us for this unique chance to learn from Will! Register for the 2019 cohort today – 13 spaces remain – as of this post date. For more information about the School, instructors, and to register visit Will invites you to learn more about him by visiting his website at Will is also a featured performer at the Solstice Flute Festival “Under the Stars” outdoor concert on Friday, June 21st starting at 6:30 pm in collaboration with Solstice Flute Artist/Instructors. Click here for more information about the Festival and performances. Did you know you can help support the Solstice Flute School & Festival when you shop on Amazon? We are excited to share that Solstice Flute Fest/Where Passion Meets Purpose is now eligible for donations from AmazonSmile! If you don't already have a favorite charitable organization selected, we hope you will think of us! It's easy to sign up!
1. Sign into on your desktop or mobile phone browser. Desktop: go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Mobile: select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page. 2. Find 'Where Passion Meets Purpose' from the list and select as your charitable organization to support with qualifying Amazon purchases. (Note: This does not add anything to your price.) The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible purchases to Where Passion Meets Purpose if you shop through the AmazonSmile portal. Look for the yellow copy 'Supporting Where Passion Meets Purpose' at the top of your screen under the search bar to be sure your purchase will be eligible for a donation. Donations to Where Passion Meets Purpose will help support Solstice Flute Fest to bring the experience of the Native American style flute and its music to more people through School and Festival activities. Thank you for supporting the Solstice Flute School & Festival this holiday season! While summer seems a world away, Solstice Flute School Artist/Instructors have been conspiring to create an inspiring Flute School experience this coming June. Curious about what Suzanne Teng & Gilbert Levy have in store for intermediate, advanced and master level students? Check it out! The following was shared with permission by a student after the 2018 Solstice Flute School.
I want to bring light to how valuable to life the information and classes were that I received, and how they have played out to date in very meaningful ways. Michael Graham Allen was the special guest-artist-in-residence last year. Rim Blown flutes were the focus of his instruction – something completely new for me. I ended up accepting the challenge of learning a new instrument and purchased the instrument he played for his final performance...hold on to that thought. Kalani taught a class on healing through the medium of Music as it applies to the Native American Flute. Both classes were great for value they represented and the new information I walked away with. Upon returning home I was faced with discovering my best friend of 50 years had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Brain Cancer and was struggling in the environment I found him in. We soon realized we needed to enter him into our home to maintain his dignity, give him a safe clean place and build a loving medical team around him. His Mom, Sister, hospice staff, my wife and I surrounded him with great love and care until he passed Saturday 9/08/18...11 days in our home. During this time, although heavily medicated, there were periods of severe restlessness and agitation where he wanted to get out of the bed. His medication should have been able to override this agitation however by itself it wasn't enough despite all our efforts to console his agitation. So, at one point I said, “would you like to hear me play my flute”. He said “yes”, so I grabbed my new rim flute and just played. He immediately settled back into the bed, let out a stressful sigh...ahhhh... and all of the anxiety in the room and in his restless spirit immediately reversed, calming my friend and allowing the medication to settle in. All this to say “Thank you” for those who put on this wonderful Flute Camp and the amazing staff of guest artists and specialty courses. Playing the flute worked 100% of the time at all times of the day. And in it all, I too found great peace and inner connection. My friend’s Mom says..."that flute is magical..." Pretty cool right?! Hope to see you all next year. Just know this...The heart of this Flute camp is filled with love and respect, and has proven to be an amazing life experience...all built around a gathering of like-minded humble Flute players. Wow. I am beyond grateful for the value this new life experience and friend set has added to our lives. – J.M., Florida |
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